Monday, April 30, 2012

Advice for a Woman

If I could tell a woman anything:
I would tell her that she doesn't need to be validated by a man. That she is validated by God, and God is so much more important than what any human thinks of her.
I would tell her that she has intrinsic value. She has value because she was created in the image of God, not because of what she looks like, dresses like, sounds like, or what she does. She has value just because she was created.
I would tell her that sometimes our earthly fathers don't treat us the way they should have, and that leaves us feeling empty. Don't try to fill it with the love of other men, you will only be left feeling more used, and more broken than when you started. Fill it with the Father who will never leave you or use you, who wants to make you whole.
I would tell her to look inside herself and fall in love with herself. To find things that she loves, that bring her joy, that build her up, and to do those things. To experience those things.
I would tell her that instead of wasting time comparing yourselves to other women, take the time to love them. Take the time to get to know them, and you might find out that they are just human too. You might even find a friend you were too busy comparing yourself to, to get to know.
I would tell her that the only way to be whole and complete is to realize that the opinion of man doesn't matter, only the opinion of God and your opinion of yourself.
I would tell her that the romantic comedies are wrong, that it doesn't take a man to complete you, it just takes God. It takes 2 whole people to create a healthy relationship, not 2 halves. A whole person doesn't need a romantic relationship, and when you realize that, the romantic relationships become the blessing they are supposed to be, not something you are dependent on for survival.
I would tell her to think with her heart and her head, for both are important, but never listen to the lies in your head, that tell you you aren't good enough, pretty enough, strong enough, or whatever enough.
I would tell her she is loved, and that she doesn't need to run off somewhere to find herself, she just needs to draw close to the heart of God.
I would tell her to serve others, because that is one of the best ways to draw close to the heart of God, to see God face to face, and thus, find yourself.
I would tell her to pray, because that is the most powerful thing anyone can do.
I would tell her to measure her life by the lives she has touched, and not the number on the scale or inside her dress.
I would tell her that life is beautiful, even when it rains, because rain brings growth and beauty in ways we can not see in the storm.
I would tell her to hold on, because when the storms do get rough, the plants that survive are the ones with deep roots.
I would tell her to have deep roots. To bury them deep in the word of God.
I would tell her we all make mistakes, we've all made mistakes, but it's who we are today that defines us, not what we did yesterday.
I would tell her be strong, be confidant, be a leader. The world needs more strong confidant women, it already has enough super models.
I would tell her, if you are a mom, be the best mom you can be. If you aren't but wish you were, our value does not come from our ability to bear children any more than it comes from our dress size.
I would tell her, if you are an auntie, be the best auntie you can be. If you aren't an auntie but wish you could be, adopt a neighbor kid, or tutor. There are ways to invest in the kids of tomorrow, family isn't always blood, it's love and heart.
I would tell her, if you are a friend, be the best friend you can be. If you aren't a friend, be one, and you will be amazed how many friends you end up with.
I would tell her, if you are scared, don't let your fear over come you. Be strong and courageous. Stand firm in your faith.
You are loved. You are valuable. You are created in the image of God. You are amazing.

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